Physio | Slimming | Wellness



We provide Physical Therapy services

We have the skills and experience to modify your lifestyle & treat a wide variety of problems that may prevent you from enjoying your normal day to day lifestyle or hobbies.

We see people of all ages from children to elderly patients and can provide home services if your mobility prevents you from coming to the clinic.

Our Core Services are:

  • Neurological Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
  • Orthopedic Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
  • Geriatric Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
  • Pediatric Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
  • Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation
  • Sports Rehabilitation
  • Women’s Health
  • Home Services

Treatment Approaches

Our Therapists usually use a combination of treatment techniques to get you better. The most commonly used treatments are listed below but please contact us if you want to discuss a specific treatment in more detail or want more information.

  • Pain Management
  • Orthopedic Manual Therapy
  • Spinal Manual Therapy
  • Mulligan Manual Therapy & Taping
  • Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Sports Injuries Management
  • Post Stroke / Spinal Cord Injury Management
  • Acupuncture & Dry Needling
  • Electrotherapy
  • Lifestyle Modification, Exercise / Advice / Education
  • Diet and Nutrition Plans
  • Laser Therapy
  • Yoga & Pilates
  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Orthotics / In-Soles

The most common problems that we see are listed below, but please ring the clinic or fill in our contact form if you need advice on a specific problem not listed, or if you would rather discuss your problem in more detail with one of our therapists.

  • Headache / Dizziness
  • Sleep Deprivation or Issues
  • Neck & Shoulder related Problems
  • Low Back Pain and Sciatica
  • Joint Problems / Arthritis
  • Sports Injuries (Adults and Children)
  • Top-To-Toe Muscular Aches and Pain or Spasm
  • During Pregnancy Exercises
  • Pre and Post-Natal Issues
  • Obesity
  • Post Surgery / Fractures Problems

We welcome your input when deciding which treatments to give you, as we believe your happiness and comfort is vital in getting you better.
If we think your problem needs investigating further with an X-Ray / MRI Scan or referral to a specialist, we are happy to write referral letters/make phone calls on your behalf at no extra cost. Also in our venue we have a unique and competent name for Investigation “IDC”.

That can also help and reduce hustle and proceeding towards health.